Simplifying Your Skincare Routine Is the Key to Better Skin

Before I started making soap, I had a laundry list of store bought products I used - and skin that proved none of it was actually helping. I was SO tired. Tired of dull, pimply and enflamed skin from years of cystic acne, and tired of spending hundreds of dollars on products that didn’t make a lick of difference.

Flash forward to now: my skin is as clear as it was before adult acne struck in my early twenties and I thoroughly attribute this positive change to drastically simplifying my skin care routine and only using handcrafted QUALITY soap.

SOAPothecary was founded by my desire to help others do the same. While I’m a soap maker and do not sell products legally classified as drugs (FDA tested and authorized), nor can I make any medical claims that my products will heal or actively treat any skin conditions, many of my customers are already reporting noticeable positive changes in their skin, and this not only warms my heart beyond words but is a major reason why I got into the business of handcrafted skincare products to begin with. These soaps are not just beautiful to look at. They are made with quality ingredients that have the potential to help you and your skin. Take a look for yourself at our ingredients lists - we keep it pretty simple and we prefer it this way.

I often hear people say that they don’t use bar soap and only use body wash or liquid face wash from the store. I also hear others say that they use about 5-10 products on their skin and that the amount of money these products cost are upwards of $100+ dollars per month. What if all you needed was a single bar of soap and a good moisturizer? This is all I use and the difference in my skin is undeniable. This simplification in your skincare regimen will not only save you loads of time in today’s busy world, but also money.


Skin back in 2014 versus skin today in 2021

One of my favorite things I have been told by customers who originally purchased soap for a loved one but decided to use it themselves is that they actually prefer my bar soap now over what they were using before. I, too, was an exclusive store bought body wash user (see this blog post for an in-depth explanation on store bought detergents), and now I couldn’t imagine using anything other than handcrafted bar soap. It has made the hugest difference in my life and I hope it does the same for you.

Do yourself a solid and give our soap a try. I am confident you won’t regret it.


Breast Milk Soap: Why Do People Want It?


5 Reasons Why Handmade Soap Is Better For You to Use